Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lancer - Lancer

Power Metal
Doolittle Group

1. Purple Sky
2. The Exiled
3. Young And Alive
4. Seventh Angel
5. Don't Go Changing
6. Dreamchasers
7. Mr. Starlight
8. Deja Vu
9. Between The Devil And The Deep

My first experience with Lancer came in the form of finding the video for Purple Sky on youtube. After that, I had to hear this album. Apparently somewhere in Sweden it's still the 80s. The band looks and sounds like 80s Iron Maiden and the old school video game graphics are just priceless. Right to the highlights you go.

Listening to Lancer's debut the band fell just a bit short of my expectations. This is pretty decent power metal, but the whole thing comes off as just a little too typical. Not bad, but not really the kind of album to find it's way into any year end lists.

Lancer come off as a mix of Iron Maiden and Helloween with swift and somewhat lighter power metal driven by Maiden-esque gallops. Not a bad sound, this debut just lacks that certain something to make the band really stand out from the pack. I doubt this was recorded on much of a budget and the sound is just a tiny bit raw, but not to the album's detriment. I think my main critique of the band is their sound could use a little more edge/heaviness and the songwriting could be just a bit more adventuresome. That being said, this band does a pretty good job in terms of the sound they aim for and their are worse bands to worship than Maiden.

Basically, this is a little on the predictable side, but the band does the Maiden worship/Euro power thing pretty well. This is the sort of band where I'm curious if they can develop or if they'll just settle for being a somewhat typical, lower tier sort of band. Time will tell, but this debut offers some relatively catchy power metal. This is probably worth it for fans of power metal in the vein of HammerFall and Wolf's first album.

Highlights: Purple Sky, Don't Go Changing, Dreamchasers

Rating - 3.0/5

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