Saturday, October 13, 2012

In Extremo - Sterneneisen

Folk/Medieval Metal
Island Records

1. Zigeunerskat
2. Gold
3. Viva La Vida
4. Siehst du das Licht
5. Stalker
6. Hol die Sterne
7. Sterneneisen
8. Zauberspruch No. VII
9. Auge um Auge
10. Schau zum Mond
11. Unsichtbar
12. Vermiss Dich

In Extremo are a band that I am fairly new to, but have been digging lately. Based on a recommendation, I've been listening to a lot of their stuff and really liking it. This band just combines good heaviness with folk/medieval instrumentation in exactly the way I like. By the time I got this one in my hands I was looking forward to it.

Well, the new album doesn't disappoint. If you dig this sort of style than I'm sure you'll like this album really. Not exactly a traditional slice of metal, but it can be nice to break the tedium with something like this. Combining a non-traditional metal sound with the power and depth of non-standard instrumentation just makes for an interesting listen. There's something refreshing about this style and the different instrumentation really does lead to new horizons to explore. I find that adding different instruments just leads to different atmospheres and frankly more depth if done right. Not to mention the sort of epic vibe of bagpipe leads, etc just leads to a nice larger than life feel.

I'm also very much a fan of the sort of modern metal style they implement if done correctly. Maybe not for purists, but pretty good by me. There's just a sort of polished crunch to their leads. Then again I also dig the sort of modern/industrial heaviness of bands like Rammstein anyways. I do get some reminders of that at times and not just for the german lyrics/singing either. This is more truly 'metal', but crunch and groove feel is similar at times.

All in all, this is an intriguing listen from good songwriters. If you like a sort of medieval atmosphere and modern/industrial metal than this is a solid listen from start to finish.

Highlights: Zigeunerskat, Viva La Vida, Zauberspruch No VII

Rating - 3.5/5

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