Friday, September 21, 2012

Lana Lane - Red Planet Boulevard

Symphonic Rock
Think Tank Media

1. Into The Fire
2. The Frozen Sea
3. Capture The Sun
4. Jessica
5. Stepford USA
6. Shine
7. Lazy Summer Day
8. No Tears Left
9. Save The World
10. Angels And Magicians
11. The Sheltering Snow
12. Red Planet Boulevard (Instrumental)

Between this and the Tarja Turunen album I'm also reviewing in this round I'm reaching the borders of metal, but what can I say... I've always enjoyed Lana Lane. This symphonic rockette certainly has had some metal moments in her career & music the likes of which include guest spots in Ayreon and her husband Erik Norlander's own band. Not to mention that in listening to most Lana Lane albums I hear more than a couple metal riffs working there way into her music and her efforts have included some well known metal artists like Vinny Apice, George Lynch, and Arjen Lucassen.

On this album there is definitely some metal to be found, even if the whole album can not be painted as such. The first 3 tracks in particular highlight a nice heavy guitar sound and driving rhythm that guide them through majestic and powerful song structures. There is also a hint of a dark vibe even as Lana Lane's voice soars which I really dig about Into The Fire and The Frozen Sea. After these two and Capture The Sun things become a bit more sedate but if you like symphonic and progressive rock oriented music then there is still a lot to like here. From the funky groove of Shine which has some damn cool guitar to the mellow tropical sound of Lazy Summer Day this album has no shortage of variety and it makes for some really interesting listening. No Tears Left is also worth mentioning as a track with some heavy moments when the song builds to the chorus and Save The World has a nice heavy lurch to the guitar. The only track which I find lacking is the unnecessary inclusion of the title track which is a strange mish mash of instrumental bits from earlier songs in the album. I'll forgive this album one silly track though.

Basically if you like a majestic and epic sounding female vocalist coupled with progressive and interesting song structures then you should check out Lana Lane. Entirely metal? No. Entirely creative and interesting? Yes.

Highlights: Into The Fire, The Frozen Sea, Shine

Rating - 3.5/5

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