Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Icarus Witch - Capture The Magic

Traditional Metal
Magick Records

1. Storming The Castle
2. Capture The Magic
3. Soothsayer
4. Forevermore
5. The Ghost Of Xavior Holmes
6. Darklands
7. Nemeton Forest
8. Awakening The Mountain Giants
9. S.A.T.O.

Capture The Magic marks the full length debut of Icarus Witch, who got a little critical notice from their EP, which I personally enjoyed. I was looking forward to seeing what this band could do with a full length album... but I have to say the answer is... not much.

Basically everything on here sounds like B-grade versions of the songs from the EP. I think part of what made the EP enjoyable, in retrospect, is that it didn't have enough songs for their style to grow tired. On this album there really isn't a hell of a lot of variation or anything remotely interesting. The sound isn't bad, but the songs tend to drag. This album reminds me of one long intro. It's like you keep waiting for the band to cut loose and it never really happens. They just go along by numbers with an atmosphere that occasionally works, but usually bores with plodding riffs. The songwriting just isn't there and neither is the energy to get you into it. The band sounds as bored as I am listening to this. The only track I really enjoyed, amusingly enough, is the one they didn't write. The only time the band really speeds things up and rips is the cover of SATO which is excellent. In the end this album is pretty missable and a letdown from the seeming potential they had.

Highlights: SATO

Rating - 2.5/5

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