Saturday, September 15, 2012

Eidolon - The Parallel Otherworld


1. The Parallel Otherworld
2. Arcturus 9
3. The Eternal Call
4. Ghost World
5. 1000 Winters Old
6. Spirit Sanctuary
7. Order of the White Light
8. Astral Flight
9. Shadowanderer
10. The Oath

Exit Pat Mullock, enter Nils K Rue. Eidolon have put out an album every year or two since their inception so this wait of 3 years has actually been a long one. The delay was of course due to the Drover brothers signing onto Megadeth and resulted in them declaring Eidolon as a side project from now on.

Now, while I think Nils K Rue is fantastic in Pagan's Mind, this vocal change left me a bit skeptical from the start. Nils K Rue is miles apart from the last singer and Pagan's Mind is just as far removed from Eidolon instrumentally. So how does it work out in the end you ask?

Badly... very, very badly. The title track starts off the album so well with a dark mood, heavy riffs, and an intro solo and then the vocals hit... and punch you in the face with a sound that can only be described as discordant. They sound so wrong with the music it is unbelievable and at times the vocals are plain out of key. Then the music slows down into some acoustic sounding prower/prog nonsense and makes me wonder what the hell band I'm listening to. This is NOT the Eidolon I used to know and it gos on like this with heavy/slow tradeoffs in a power/prog fasion for a good 11 and a 1/2 minutes. Who the hell starts off an album with an epic piece anyways? This is one dragged out, atypical, and fucking boring track for Eidolon. The last album ended on an epic too but not like this piece of crap.

The rest of the album sounds more like old Eidolon than the intro epic but it's not really a hell of a lot better. Nils K Rue is incapable of sounding aggressive. He just can't do it. He's a great power/prog band but throwing him on top of a band with as much attitude and heaviness to the riffs as Eidolon is oil and water. It sounds like vocally and instrumentally there are just two seperate visions of the songs and they are irreconcilable.

I tried giving this a few listens and tried to keep an open mind about where this band was headed but I just can't do it. This album sucks. I really can't stand listening to it despite the good guitar work and the fact that I am a fan of both Eidolon and Pagan's Mind. Chalk this one up under the category of failed experiments. This album actually made me wish for the death metal vocals on the last album back. At least those would've added a little needed balls to the vocal department.

Highlights: The guitar is good... but I don't like any of the vocals with it.

Rating - 1.5/5

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