Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dragonforce - Inhuman Rampage

Power/Speed Metal

1. Through The Fire And Flames
2. Revolution Deathsquad
3. Storming The Burning Fields
4. Operation Ground And Pound
5. Body Breakdown
6. Cry For Eternity
7. The Flame Of Youth
8. Trail Of Broken Hearts

Well since the beginning, as anyone who knows me is well aware, I haven't been a fan of this act. People sometimes ask me why I review albums by bands I'm already inclined to hate. Well the answer to that is it's a new release to review for the site and you never do know. Wouldn't be the first time I went into an album expecting to hate it and wound up liking it. Trust me.

BUT I guess such can't happen everytime. While I think the sound of this band has improved from the amateurish songwriting of the first release, they're still pretty obnoxious. I think Dragonforce have moved beyond the speed for the sake of speed that was their first album, but this is still pretty fast and flowery for my tastes. I do like some happy metal but I just continue to think this band is trying entirely too hard. This is more polished and infinitely more tolerable than the debut though so maybe there is some hope for this band. I doubt I'll ever be singing their praises, but they don't bother me nearly as much as they used to. I will give them credit for being pretty talented musicians, but that's about all they get from me. If you like VERY sugary power delivered to you at mach 5 then this may appeal to you. I think most fans of the band will continue to be happy with what they have to offer as long as you don't mind the songwriting & production being a bit more polished. Recommended to people who like flower metal like Sonata Arctica's first couple and the speedier Kai-era Gamma Ray.

Highlights: Not for me

Rating - 2.0/5

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