Saturday, September 22, 2012

Death Angel - Killing Season

Thrash Metal
Nuclear Blast

1. Lord of Hate
2. Sonic Beatdown
3. Dethroned
4. Carnival Justice
5. Buried Alive
6. Soulless
7. The Noose
8. When Worlds Collide
9. God vs God
10. Steal the Crown
11. Resurrection Machine

Death Angel are one of those bands I've been fairly ambivalent about over the years. Really I'd say the debut is the only Death Angel album I've loved as I've not heard that sort of intensity out of them or many others since. The reunion album did show some promise though as it was heavier and more direct than the weird Frolic album or second rate Anthrax sound of Act III.

Killing Season is an interesting album in that when it started to play my reaction was 'Yes! Straight up bay area thrash!' and by the end I was thinking 'Oh for fucks sake try something else'. On a basic level this album has a good formula/sound going for it but as you get deeper into the album you realize this is a one trick pony and the songwriting is just lacking. By the end of this album the tracks will blur together and on repeated listens you'll just end up getting bored with it. Really, this is typical of some of the later bay area thrash bands when the scene started to stagnate.

I wouldn't call Killing Season a bad album overall, but there's not much memorable about it. For having a halfway decent punch in the beginning with the first couple tracks and an ok overall sound I let this one sneak away with a 3.0 but unless you're really hungering for familiar old school thrash then this brings little to the table. Certainly, better thrash metal has been made.

Highlights: Lord Of Hate, Sonic Beatdown

Rating - 3.0/5

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