Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dark Empire - Humanity Dethroned

Power/Thrash Metal

1. Eyes Of Defiance
2. No Sign of Life
3. Humanity Dethroned
4. The Forgotten Sin
5. Faded Dreams
6. Salvation Denied
7. Prelude
8. Haunted
9. Possessed (We are one)
10. Closure

Humanity Dethroned marks the second album by this young band fronted by one Jens Carlsson of Persuader. Of late Carlsson's stock has been rising with me in that I really enjoyed Savage Circus' debut so I decided to check out what else he's up to.

Dark Empire is a band from New Jersey with a singer from Germany and the influences of both can be heard. At times I detect a New Jersey thrash sort of sound and the upbeat heaviness of german power metal can be heard as well with an added epic touch brought in by the larger than life vocals of Carlsson. Also adding to the heavy and dark feel of the music are some backing death vocals which actually blend in pretty seamlessly. I think the most striking thing about this band would be the dark and heavy vibe they eek out with every track and it makes for a pretty headbangable album. At the same time the memorability of those big sort of choruses brings that strength to the band and makes the songs build to pretty powerful results. Pretty pleasing sound this band has put together. Not Too far removed from the last Persuader with it's own dark sound, but good in it's own right. There's enough of a different flavor to not make this seem like the same band at the least.

If you're a fan of Jen Carlsson's other works than this is probably a pretty safe bet. Fans of heavy power metal with some dark edge to it would be advised to check this one out.

Highlights: Eyes Of Defiance, Salvation Denied, Humanity Dethroned

Rating - 3.5/5

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