Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dark Moor - Beyond The Sea

Power Metal
Arise Records


1. Before The Duel
2. Miracles
3. Houdini's The Great Escapade
4. Through the Gates Of Silver Key (Interlude)
5. The Silver Key
6. Green Eyes
7. Going On
8. Beyond The Sea
9. Julius Caesar (interude)
10. Alea Jacta

Well I haven't cared a whole lot about this band since Elisa left, but I figured I'd give this one a shot. White Skull did bounce back under similar circumstances so maybe the second album with Dark Moor's male vocalist would follow suit? Nope not really. This band superficially still has the same musical sound they once did, but the songs just seem to plod along and run together. Mixed with the less than remarkable vocals, this album just doesn't hold up too well. The singer at times just sounds castrati to me. It seems like he's trying to fill the role of female vocalist, but Elisa sounded more manly than he does. Overall, this cd is just bland b-grade euro-power and pretty cliche. If you want something that sounds like slow Blind Guardian with no variation and a vocalist who makes Fabio Lione seem like a bad ass then this is the album for you.

Highlights: Miracles

Rating 2.0/5

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