Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Brainstorm - Liquid Monster

Power Metal
Metal Blade


1. Worlds Are Comin Through
2. Inside The Monster
3. All Those Words
4. Lifeline
5. Invisible Enemy
6. Heavenly
7. Painside
8. Despair To Drown
9. Mask of Life
10. Even Higher
11. Burns My Soul

Ever since the release of Metus Mortis Brainstorm has been gathering momentum it would seem. While the style hasn't really altered since that time, the band has trademarked their own sound and their fanbase by all accounts has been gathering like a snowball down hill. Illustrated in the high sales debuts of this album, this is just a band on the rise.

Does this album live up to the previous two you ask? I would say so. No big changes from the past couple albums present themselves, but I do believe this is a case of 'don't fit it if it ain't broken'. The songs here have their own identities but keep things in the same sort of heavy yet catchy power metal mold we've become accustomed to. Andy Franck vocals sore and the riffs are cutting. I predict nothing but more people finding their way to the Brainstorm fanbase from this one. A solid release.

Highlights: Worlds Are Comin Through, All Those Words, Invisible Enemy

Rating - 3.0/5

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