Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor

Whatever the hell Nevermore is
Century Media


1. Born
2. The Final Product
3. Acid Words
4. Bittersweet Feast
5. Sentient 6
6. Medicated Nation
7. The Holocaust of Thought
8. Sell My Heart For Stones
9. Psalm of Lydia
10. A Future Uncertain
11. This Godless Endeavor

After the minor misstep and subsequent remix that was Enemies Of Reality, there was a fair amount of expectation resting with Sneap once again working with the band AS the album is made. Dead Heart, In A Dead World really launched the band to a greater degree of popularity and the thought of a continuation created an immense amount of hype. Well is Nevermore back in form here?

The answer is absolutely yes. This truely is the album that should have come out after Dead Heart. Not to bag on Enemies Of Reality too much, since I did enjoy it, but this album just suceeds on levels that EoR did not. The clearly Dead Heart production sound is beneficial as it allows you to truely appreciate all that's going on in the songs and the style has also headed a bit back towards Dead Heart. A little less thrashy and more of the infectious groove chugging, though there is still plenty of heaviness. Just a bit more focused than the sometimes erratic style present on EoR. The album is definetely not as ballad heavy as Dead Heart though. Really the closest this album comes to a ballad at all is in the tracks Sentient 6 and Sell My Heart For Stones, but those have a fair degree of heaviness in parts and come across more as mood shifters.

One other song off note for being something utterly different for the band is Born. That one features bursts of harsh vocals that come across as almost death. Kind of a strange sound that took me some getting used to, but it comes off ok and it's the only track of the sort.

To sum it up... this album is pretty well all killer and no filler. I don't see how any fan of Nevermore's style couldn't love the shit out of this. Dark, heavy and every track stands on it's own... this is just sure to please. I can see this one ending up as one of my favorite Nevermore released. At least top 3 from them.

Highlights: Acid Words, Sentient 6, This Godless Endeavor, A Future Uncertain

Rating - 4.5/5

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