Friday, September 21, 2012

Machine Men - Circus Of Fools

Power Metal
Century Media

1. Circus Of Fools
2. No Talk Without The Giant
3. Ghost Of The Seasons
4. Tyrannize
5. The Shadow Gallery
6. Where I Stand
7. Border Of The Real World
8. Dying Without A Name
9. The Cardinal Point

This one marks the third album from young power metal artist Machine Men and with each album this band's stock has certainly been rising so far. With a strong debut on a fairly obscure label Machine Men managed to do something that some artists struggle their careers to attain... a larger record deal with a label like Century Media.

With this, their second release on CM, Machine Men promised a heavier approach and that is fairly evident in the production. The guitars sound a bit beefier in parts and the vocals are amped up a bit in what I would guess is an attempt to make them more 'powerful. To me this album comes off a bit overproduced at times though as some of the heavier parts seem a bit forced and take away from the melodic hooks that really grabbed me on the last release. Also, the vocal layering is quite unnecessary and I always liked the kind of subtle approach the vocals had before. They were more based on bringing a melodic flair to the music than someone belting out vocals for force & heaviness. Production complaints aside though and a couple fairly brainless attempts at balls out heaviness (Tyranize & Border Of The Real World) this is pretty much the same Maiden/Dickinson inspired Machine Men I came to love on the last release. Songs like Circus Of Fools, No Talk Without The Giant, and Dying Without A Name are energetic Maiden-esque songs that will stick in your head and make that head want to move. Like the last album too there are once again several slower, moodier tracks which are also pretty solid.

In conclusion, there are no huge changes in the band's songwriting approach other than a couple inserted attempts at more heaviness. The main change here is the production which I do feel hinders the album a little bit. Overall though, while a small step down, it doesn't stop some of these tracks from coming across as damn fine power metal songs. Not as strong as the last maybe, but still a pretty enjoyable listen. Can't say I'm really let down or anything and I look forward to hearing more from this up and comer. Recommended to people who like a fair bit of Maiden in their music ala Wolf and flowing but energetic power like Mob Rules.

Highlights: Circus Of Fools, No Talk Without The Giant, Dying Without A Name

Rating - 3.5/5

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