Saturday, September 22, 2012

Amberian Dawn - River Of Tuoni

Symphonic Power Metal
Suomen Musiikki


1. River of Tuoni
2. Wings Are My Eyes
3. Lullaby
4. Valkyries
5. Fate of Maiden
6. My Only Star
7. Curse
8. Passing Bells
9. Sunrise
10. Evil Inside Me

River of Touni marks the debut from this band from Finland and really I just kind of stumbled on it myself. I figured Finnish power metal with an operatic singer at the helm was worth a shot... I believe it's worked before in the past.

The Nightwish comparisons are inevitable so I'm just gonna put those right on the table. Neoclassical/symphonic music from Finland with an operatic female singer and obvious similarities in sound is going to draw some parallels. As far as I'm concerned Nightwish voluntarily gave up any rights to this sound though when they decided to sound like an average power metal band and lose those rich symphonic atmospheres I loved in their early work.

Basically, what we have here is really what Nightwish once had, but with those personality of it's own as the vocalist is higher and sweeter and keyboards aren't quite as prevalent as early Nightwish, using guitar for much of the Neoclassical flair. I'm sure you've heard this sound before so I don't need to beat the topic to death in this review. Either you like this kind of metal or you don't. If you've been turned off by the way Nightwish departed from their own signature sound than maybe this band can make a suitable replacement for you. River of Touni worked for me in that sense. The bottom line is I think this band has their sound together and makes some good songs.

Highlights: Wings Are My Eyes, Valkyries, The Curse

Rating - 3.5/5

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