It's been quite the journey since I first decided to start my own metal site. From the early days of Live365 to the current blogspot format and everything in between. I have a lot of great memories of this place, especially of the old forums, but I've come to the decision that it's time for this place to become just that. Memories. This will be the final post I make on this blog and from today on this place will only exist as an archive of past reviews. I've frankly decided to move on.
The reasoning is pretty simple. This place has become not worth the time and energy I invest into it. Frankly, the traffic I get can't justify it. One gets tired of talking to to themselves I suppose. Not to mention my interest as a whole in the active metal genre has been waning a bit. Not to say I don't like metal anymore. Far from it. But frankly the genre does seem to be stagnating with not as many good new bands coming out or as many good new releases to write about. I've struggled of late to keep this blog active as there just haven't been that many releases holding my interest enough to want to write about them.
It's been fun, but it's time to admit this page has become a bit of a dinosaur. The net radio thing was great, but then it became harder and harder to run a small time, non-commericial, just for fun and listener enjoyment type of station. Not to mention it's all too easy to create your own sort of "personal station", listen to your own playlists, create or pandora stations... whatever is your choice. The point is that radio is deader than dead. Music forums? Dying all over the internet with the rise of social media as a cornerstone of the internet. I tried the newer blog format as well, but quite frankly the internet is choked with them and if you don't have a degree of fame or something than it's just a glorified personal journal. There's really just nothing left for me here anymore. I've tried some revamps to try to refresh things, but it's time to admit this page's time has come.
Thanks to all who have read and been a part of making the site what it was in the past. This page has been a part of my life for over a decade now, but it's time to let it die with some dignity. StygianSteel signing off.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping you would just keep reviewing albums for fun even with little to no traffic. I think when the message board died that was the beginning of the end.
Good luck on the future.
It was pretty much. I hung in for awhile trying some other things out. It can be fun, but it can also definitely be a chore as I have to budget time for it, etc. It's become a bit tedious as well.
ReplyDeleteI've also been working on directing my writing towards another outlet (fiction) and will probably be focusing more on that in the future.
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