Friday, October 5, 2012

Masterplan - Time To Be King

Melodic Power Metal

1. Fiddle Of Time
2. Blow Your Winds
3. Far From The End Of The World
4. Time To Be King
5. Lonely Winds of War
6. The Dark Road
7. The Sun Is In Your Hands
8. The Black One
9. Blue Europa
10. Under The Moon

Masterplan are one of those bands who I enjoyed for a couple albums, but then the frequent killer of bands happened... a vocalist change. This was actually unexpected as I really like the replacement they chose, Mike DiMeo, as vocalist, but something just didn't seem to click when he tried to sing for this band. Something just didn't seem to sync and the chemistry/sound of the band suffered. Basically, the magic of the first two wasn't there.

That being said this album brought the new encouragement of Masterplan putting the last album behind them and getting back together with Jorn Lande. Certainly, this was an encouraging prospect. That being said one did have to wonder on some level if the last album sunk because of the vocals or because the band was just loosing steam. Hard to say until you hear the band back in their original form.

Fans can rest assured that this album does sound much more like the band we know and love. The sound is definitely back in form and Masterplan comes up with a pretty solid release here. Of their other two albums with Jorn, this one probably sounds more like the first release than the second as the guitar is more prevalent and heavy. The music is still melodic and flowing with Jorn being a big factor in that, but the album is not as subdued or AOR sounding as Aeronautics. Personally, I'm a big fan of Aeronautics and the gripping melodies it presented, but I also like the debut so this is not a big deal.

The thing with this album for me is that it doesn't have as many big stand out tracks as either album. Neither the heaviness and uniqueness of tracks like Soulburn or the catchy melodies of Enlighten Me present themselves here in as big of a way. Time To Be King sounds like Masterplan, but maybe not quite as strong as either of the other two albums. Certainly, there's nothing here I didn't enjoy and I find this an overall enjoyable listen, but the other two have to be presented as a bit of perspective. This one seems just a wee bit more typical power metal I guess. I would still say that fans will find much to like here... especially after the last album kinda broke the formula and sank. I'm certainly satisfied and consider this one a move in the right direction.

Highlights: Fiddle Of Time, Time To Be King, Lonely Winds of War, The Dark Road

Rating - 3.5/5

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