Saturday, September 15, 2012

Yngwie Malmsteen - Unleash The Fury

Traditional Wankery
Universal (Japan)

1. Locked & Loaded
2. Revolution
3. Winds Of War (Invasion)
4. Crown Of Thorns
5. The Bogeyman
6. Beauty And A Beast
7. Cracking The Whip
8. Fuguetta
9. Cherokee Warrior
10. Guardian Angel
11. Let The Good Times Roll
12. Revelation (Drinking With The Devil)
13. Magic And Mayhem (instrumental)
14. Exile
15. The Hunt
16. Russian Roulette
17. Unleash The Fury
18. Paraphrase (instrumental)

Well we've already heard how Malmsteen can unleash the fucking fury on a flight attendant and now I guess it's time to see what he can do to an album. This one's been out for a little while in Japan, but hasn't receieved a stateside release and I'm now just getting to it. Frankly I wasn't in a huge hurry as I've never been a fan of his self indulgent style.

When it comes to Malmsteen it's pretty much a love or hate sorta thing. Either you like his technical show off style or you don't. There's really no two ways around it and nothing much has changed here. Songs are built around the solos and though they are skillful, the songs around them tend to be the same build up to the same thing. This man certainly has the ability to play well, but someone needs to be there to crack him over the head when he descends into his own little noodling world. If you enjoy someone showing off how great they are in one giant ego trip then this is for you. The guitar player in you may admire it, but the music fan in you probably won't.

Highlights: The one where he solos a lot

Rating - 2.5/5

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