Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tankard - The Beauty & The Beer


1. Ice-olation
2. We Still Drink The Old Ways
3. Forsaken World
4. Rock Stars No. 1
5. The Beauty And The Beast
6. Blue Rage - Black Redemption
7. Frankfurt: We Need More Beer
8. Metal To Metal
9. Dirty Digger
10. Shaken Not Stirred

If there's one thing a person can count on in the metal scene it is Tankard. For just around 20 years now Tankard have been putting out albums consistently. In fact, the longest gap between albums Ever has been 3 years and only once. Also, in all that time they have been one of the few thrash metal bands to really stick to their roots and not indulge in much modern thrash chug, etc, etc. The production has improved and times have changed but Tankard have not been so greatly influenced by it as others and that's what many people love about the band. In Tankard, the spirit of thrash is alive and well.

On this album Tankard of course write many heartfelt ballads and have large progressive tendencies... Just kidding. Beauty & The Beer is a Tankard album 100%. If you liked them in the past, then you'll enjoy this. If you didn't, then you probably won't. This album is pretty well a sister release to Beast Of Bourbon and features the same production & guitar sound for the most part. Many of the songs are also in a similar vein from the start. I don't think anyone is ever going to accuse Tankard of being a band of virtusos but they know how to write a song that makes you want to blow shit up, headbang, drink, and possibly puke. The album is unrelenting from start to finish and nobody can sound pissed off and heavy quite like Tankard. This band is just so very representative of the thrash scene's roots and it's almost like listening to a time warp through the ears of modern production... which just makes it all the heavier.

Not a bad song to be found here and no huge suprises either. I do find this album builds and builds in intensity until by the end I was just headbanging out. The last 4 tracks in particular are just brutally intense and have ultra-memorable choruses. Truely 4 of the cooler thrash songs I've ever heard back to back. Tankard may not be the most innovative or the most technical, but they do what they do and they do it well. It's nice to have a band like Tankard around who embody the spirit of aggressive yet fun, beer metal to party to. I think Beast Of Bourbon hit me a little harder as it had a sound of it's own and really brought Tankard's heaviness to 11, but this album has some great songs and is an excellent release. Tankard haven't had a disappointing album yet and they're not about to start.

Highlights: Frankfurt We Need More Beer, Metal To Metal, Dirty Digger, Shaken Not Stirred

Rating - 4.0/5

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