Have some feedback? Want to leave a suggestion about a new album you'd like me to review? Leave it in the comments section on this page. Bear in mind I focus on current releases (from the current year). I have no interest in going back and mining old albums for review content at this time. It'd just be too herculean of a task to review everything. I'm keep the focus on exposing people to new music.
I appreciate any feedback or suggestions. Even if it's a simple 'Hey I'm liking the site'. Let me know. Please note that negative/unproductive comments, spam, etc will be removed.
HammerFall - Infected review from the 2011 link shows a jpeg and not the actual review
ReplyDeleteFixed. Thanks. In the tedious work of transferring all these reviews to the new blog and setting up the indexes, I'm sure there are at least a few bugs. Let me know if you find any more bad links.
ReplyDeleteGonna review new stratovarius and Circle II Circle?
ReplyDeleteNew Stratovarius definitely. Will be in the next batch (likely this upcoming weekend). New Circle II Circle as well probably, but I have a few higher priorities in front of that one.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason your 2013 link only shows the first 3 reviews of the year.
ReplyDeleteMust've forgotten to update the links when I did the last update. Thought I did, but yeah they're not showing up. I'll fix that.
ReplyDeleteBlack Sabbath review coming? So far really good album.
ReplyDeleteProbably this weekend. Just got the album after I posted the last set. Definitely a priority. Soon.